Sunday, February 1, 2009

A li'l conversation...

Late last night, when I was about to go to sleep... After I was all done with making notes and revising the latest events happening all over the world... Tired and sleepy, I went to my bed, and a strange conversation kept me up the whole night..

My heart~ "Hey.. U 1.4kg superhero... tired.. huh?"

My Brain~ "Yeah.. what else do you expect dude?.. This CLAT stuff has got me crazy.. Have to mug up all those details about Israel-Palestine... Russia- Georgia..! Phew.."

My heart~ "Oh.. that sounds tough stuff.. Hey.. I had a few questions about all this.. You mind helping me clear out things about them??"

My Brain~ "Oh God!.. Not even you!!... And at this time?? Don't you see am in no mood and am dead tired!"

My Heart "Well dear.. Even I am not ok..! Wondering why he doesn't reply back to my messages.. Ain't I someone whom he needs..."

My brain~" Whoaaa.... Stop there.. I am not dealing with your emotions right now.. I am too tired to reason out... And moreover.. He's just a tiny dwarf, with an attitude that stinks and a personality that's too arrogant.. Anyways.. Could you please come up with the G.K. thing you wanted to ask? It's easier to answer those..!!"

My Heart~" You really think so??"

My Brain~" Without any doubt..!! I mean come on... These war things have got specific reasons, specific details.. not like your teen-crush and heart breaking issues.. they irritate..!!"

My Heart~ "You really think.. These war issues... as you call them... have practical reasons?? And specific answer?"

My Brain~" Look there.. are you asking me.. or I should just doze off to sleep.. b'coz I'm already hell tired.."

My Heart~ "Well then answer me....

My Brain~ "Yeah.. shoot.."
My Heart~
Is this an Israeli Jew standing on the ground, which has the dead Jew sleeping in their tombs, or is this the son of some Hamas militant, standing in the graveyard at Gaza?

Is he a Jew, an Arab, a Russian, or Georgian?

Does this barbed wire separate people?
If yes, then what's the difference between the two people?

Is this girl child allowed to be happy? Because I've heard that they don't allow them to go to schools, or listen to music, or watch films, and even force them to marry early, in Afghanistan..

Do my questions even matter to anyone except the one's who are suffering? Do they matter to you?


Anonymous said...

interesting my frnd......
u got sum skill :)

Anuj Thakur said...

its amazing