Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mumbai Terror Attacks : Not a time to pay condolence.

It's not the time to burn candles for the people who gave up their lives.. The candles will burn out after sometime; the pain of those families will never end.

It is not the time to host the Indian Tricolor in front of the Taj and pay tribute; the winds breezing through the blood stained corridors will deny the flag it's pride.
We cannot salute the ones we die, without questioning the reason behind their death.

Who are we to show solidarity and come up with a gesture of condolence? When we as a nation are apathetic to the heights of devastation?

Why is the death of some 200 people upsetting us to this extent?? Just because we know that they died??

No minister resigns, even after the government officially states that 2 people die of Tuberculosis every 3 minutes, that's 960 people dying everyday, more than 4 times the figure killed by any terror attack.

Why don't we get infuriated, when we come to know that more than 300000 people die annually due to HIV/AIDS in India? Leave alone the stigma and social problems more than 2 million HIV+ people face daily, without any demonstrable support system.

Where are the ministers and where is our disgust and fury, when according to statistics, on average a woman is raped every hour in India. According to some statistics, only one in 69 rape cases in India are even reported. Only 20 % of those reported result in convictions for the rape accused. And as of today, more than 20,000 of rape cases are pending trial.

How can we claim our right to security and blame the government? When we ourselves never initiated it as our duty?
Ask yourselves, how many of you have hired a servant or a driver, or a gardener after proper police identification? Leave alone, the numbers throughout the country, talking about our national capital, rapists were known to the victims in 238 rape cases registered this year. In only 10 cases, the victims did not know their attackers.

How many of us seriously buy or change SIM cards after submitting proper details? The current statistics show that only 42 out of 100 people submit their details, but all 100 of them enjoy mobile services, without being questioned at any time. The point is not that we are anti-social elements in any form, but it's in our guise, and it's due to our lapse of vigilance and alertness that threats to peace never stop.

Why should the North Indians stand with Mumbai --- > When Maharashtra Government did practically nothing to vouchsafe the human rights of people from Bihar and U.P. and let them be helpless victims of regional chauvinism? When the zero range encounter of a young boy was justified, even if he was shot for no reason, and he would have caused no harm…

We are the world's largest democracy, we stand united, but our beliefs are divided, our standards are dual.
We were raged with the violence over conversions in Orissa. We sympathized and "condemned" the unfortunate deaths of those tribals. But how many of us followed the incident with the same zeal? Orissa Police has not yet submitted a charge-sheet in the nun gang-rape case. The nun was allegedly gang-raped at K Nuagaon in Kandhamal district on August 25 in the violence that followed the murder of VHP leader Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati.

It's not the time to question the government. Its high time we question are inertia; the factor that makes us so grossly insensitive. We have accepted terror, disease, and corrosion of human spirit and morals as normalcy.

Forwarding mails, SMSs, burning candles, taking out processions won't help.

No search for leaders, no complain of the government is going to help either

It's time to perform our duties as the citizens of India. India's calling us, we have to stand, because somewhere up in sky, between those stars, that bespectacled, old and fragile man's soul is hurt, to see us loosing the spirit to stand up and fight.

It's not the time to fight against the governemnt, it's the time to shoulder together and fight.



Unknown said...

WOW Mona dear .. you have your OWN BLOG .. CONGRATULATIONS .. and what a great piece to start off with.

I hope there are many many followers and commentators on this platform of yours and healthy discussion and debate .. look forward to reading more stuff from you.

All the best .. really liked your thoughtful piece. Well done.

Unknown said...

Lead on Mona.
INDIA needs to think on those lines to be real world power and I am optimistic that your generation will lead the way better.

Anonymous said...

well done mona! very impressive! have subscribed to your blog, shall look forward to read more posts.

Rhythm Divine.... said...

Dear All,
Loved the remarks you have sent. Thanks a lot for encouragement. But there's a tiny problem.. I am getting your user names in the comment's column.. so i cant make out.. who has written what... and also i am very new to bloggin, so i don't know how will i get you all to know that i have posted more essays/articles online.. please help..!!

moin said...

good job dear

Dr.Avinash G Kanchar said...

Dear Mona, its great to here from you...i must admit some of your thoughts made me introspect and conclude..indeed we have become insensitive as a people. The problem i feel is.. most of us (including myself) are like a herd of sheeps which follow the goat blindly....we develop pre-judicess looking at the majority..hence our thoughts and actions usually defy reason...this has greater impact on our actions in the society..(as you mentioned)but but there is always a ray of hope... the bespectacled old man you referred wont be let down...he left behind enough light to lite brains like...Prakash Aamte, Anna Hazare, Rajendrasinghji and many more who go about doing their bit quietly ...away from the "breaking news". but yes the number has swell and swell fast if we a nation is to stand tall. And the way ahead for me.. is for each one of us to resolve to do whatever we the best of our ability
Keep up the spirit..we still have some hope

Unknown said...

hey..great job..what you suggested is exactly the way to go about things..though unfortunately..our country does not know how to respect its heroes and i fear this will be forgotten as soon as even a bit of normalcy is regained..nevertheless..keep up the good work

Anuj Thakur said...

i think it is one of the best thoughts i ever read in d past few days. keep it going... cheers...

Anuj Thakur said...

my blog is bullshit if i cmpare with urs
bt u have written it so well dat i m speechless

Unknown said...

Hi Mona dear,
Nice to see you after a long time.
Great work sweet heart!! Keep going.....
I am proud of you!